📓Understanding Weights

What are weights and why do they matter?

Currently, around 2M HERMES are distributed daily to liquidity providers on Hermes Protocol. One of the DAO's most important job is to decide which pools should receive the CRV.

Just because a pool has a larger weight doesn't mean it will have a higher APY. The HERMES allocated to a gauge is shared between all the liquidity providers in it.

Why are gauge weights so important?

Because those weights decide where the HERMES inflation goes, it allows the DAO to control where most of the liquidity should go and balance liquidity. It's a powerful tool for voters that must be used responsibly.

Currently, gauge weights are updated once a week on Thursdays around midnight UTC.

Voting for gauge weight

Visit the link: https://hermes.maiadao.io/#/gauge

If you wish to vote, select a veHERMES NFT and adjust input boxes of each pool of your choosing until you have 100% votes cast and click "Cast Votes". You can vote on the weights every 7 days and can select multiple pools.

Your vote is locked for 1 week after you vote, and you cannot transfer, burn or merge your NFT while it is locked.

The gauge weight is updated once a week on Thursdays.

Last updated